Search Results
Daniela Sfregola - A Pragmatic Introduction to Category Theories - Code Mesh 2017
A Pragmatic Introduction to Category Theory - Daniela Sfregola
ScalaMatsuri day1 A-7 A pragmatic introduction to Category Theory
Intro to Category Theory I: the Data of a Category
Interview to Daniela Sfregola @LambdaWorld2017
An introduction to category theory with applications to cognition: what, why, and how
Alejandro Serrano: Category Theory Through Functional Programming (part 3/3) - λC 2017
Faster JavaScript Through Category Theory
The category of monoids
Michael Sperber - Concurrent ML - The One That Got Away - Code Mesh 2017
Scale By The Bay 2018 Unconference: Runar Bjarnason
Tech Time 21/7/2017 - Why a monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors (Chris Birchall)